Calya Consult
Phone (Switzerland): +41 41 743 09 09
Phone (International): +44 1865 52 2660
Twitter: @CalyaConsult
Upcoming: Summer Festivals
During the month of July, visitors to Zug will be able to enjoy a world-class spectacle on the shore of the lake, the ZugMagic:
«ZugMagic» Dates & Times:
When: July 1 to July 31, 2024
Where: Zuger Seepromenade (Lakeshore Promenade)
Tuesday to Sunday: Short water shows every 30 minutes between 6pm - 10pm
Tuesday to Sunday at 10pm: Grand multimedia show with lights, video/image projections, water screens, music
Closed Mondays (except July 1, 2024)
Official Holiday Dates in 2024
- Good Friday:
- Easter Monday:
- Ascension Day:
- Pentecost Monday / Whit Monday:
- Corpus Christi:
- Swiss National Holiday:
- Assumption Day:
- All Saints:
- *Immaculate Conception Day:
- 2nd Day of Christmas:
- New Year's Day:
- Berchtold Day:
School Holidays in the Canton of Zug
School Holidays means: public schools are closed during the respective period
- Sports Holidays: ‐
- Spring Holidays: ‐
- Ascension Holidays: ‐
- Summer Holidays: ‐
- Autumn Holidays: ‐
- Christmas Holidays: ‐